We are delighted to take part in Children's University.
The Lincolnshire Children’s University aims to raise children’s aspirations and provide them with a wide variety of exciting learning opportunities that they may not otherwise experience. These activities are designed to raise self-esteem, expand horizons and boost confidence, encouraging children to try something new and instilling a life-long love of learning. Children’s University is part of a national charity, the Children’s University Trust, and is run by the University of Lincoln in partnership with Bishop Grosseteste University.
The children learn about local, national and international events with a focus on understanding the world around them. Some examples are Holi, National Smile Week (dental hygiene), International Thank a Firefighter Day (people who help us and fire safety), European Day of Languages, Recycling Week, Fair Trade Week, Chinese New Year, Book Week and the NSPCC's 'Kindness Challenge'.