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Outside Learning

Gosberton House Academy is top of the class for learning outside the classroom.

Gosberton House Academy in Gosberton has shown itself to have a strong commitment to providing frequent, continuous and progressive learning outside the classroom (LOtC) to all of its pupils by achieving a national LOtC (Silver) award.

Awarded by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC), LOtC Mark (Silver) accredits those schools that have policies and practices in place to ensure that high quality LOtC is available to all pupils across all areas of the curriculum to benefit their learning and personal development.

Gosberton House Academy Principal,Ms Stanton  said “Being awarded LOtC Mark (Silver) is a real coup for all the staff and governors here as it shows that we are really making strides in providing our pupils with potentially life-changing opportunities.We're thrilled to get official recognition for our efforts and we look forward to building on this award to continue to improve our LOtC provision."

LOtC Mark is awarded by CLOtC, the national voice for learning outside the classroom. CLOtC also provides free online information for teachers on how to plan and organise high quality LOtC activities. LOtC Mark is intended not only to recognise existing exemplary provision, but also to assist and support schools in developing their LOtC offer to enable all children to have access to meaningful LOtC experiences. LOtC Mark is the only national accreditation for schools which recognises, and supports, the development of learning outside the classroom across all subject areas.

Learning outside the classroom is known to contribute significantly to raising standards & improving pupils’ personal, social & emotional development. It also contributes to the quality and depth of learning (OFSTED, Learning Outside the Classroom - How far should you go? 2008).

Elaine Skates, Chief Executive of CLOtC said:

 “Learning outside the classroom provides the most memorable experiences in a child’s school life.  LOtC Mark (Silver) demonstrates that the school is committed to delivering genuinely valuable learning outside the classroom experiences to all of their children and young people, and to continuing to develop that provision.

Learning outside the classroom has many proven educational benefits. LOtC Mark (Silver) will support schools in building on their LOtC provision, thereby ensuring that many more young people have memorable, exciting and valuable learning outside the classroom experiences. I congratulate Gosberton House Academy on being awarded LOtC Mark (Silver).”

For more information about LOtC Mark, please visit